Athene (uh THEE nuh Goddess of
Her mother, Metis, was the first wife of Zeus and her
name (Metis) might mean wisdom. If this is
true, then it would be more proper to call Athene The
Daughter of Wisdom instead of The Goddess of
When Zeus saw that Metis was pregnant, he was afraid that
the child, if allowed to live, would be his doom. He
swallowed Metis to prevent the birth. It didnt work.
Athene sprang, fully armed and armored, from the head of
Zeus but Metis was never seen again.
Athene is the virgin goddess of intellect and invention.
She is one of only three who can resist the charms and
spells of Aphrodite. Hestia and Artemis are the other two.
Athena aided the heroes Perseus, Jason, Cadmus, Odysseus
and Heracles in their quests.
Both Athena and Poseidon wanted to be patron deity of
Athens. To prove her worthiness for the honor, Athena
caused an olive tree to spring up on the citadel of
Athens, the Acropolis. Poseidon sought to outdo her by
striking the ground with his trident and causing a spring
of water to gush forth. But as he was god of the sea, the
water was salty. Athena's gift to the Athenians was
considered to be more useful, so she became the city's
patron deity.
Athena sponsored Perseus in his quest to slay Medusa
because she wanted the Gorgon's head to decorate her
At the battle of Troy Pallas Athene, descended Olympus
and strode between the two armies, only to inspire the
Trojan, Pandaros, to a supreme act of cowardice. Pandaros,
against all oaths, loosed the arrow that broke the
fragile peace. The arrow injured Menelaos and the bloody
war was resumed to the delight and horror of the
To avenge Aphrodites meddling, Athene gave Diomedes
the ability to see the immortals on the battlefield and
advised him to avoid them, but she suggested that if he
sees Aphrodite, to attack her. Diomedes obeyed, and
Aphrodite was the first immortal to be wounded on that
bloody day.
Athene is called the grim goddess because the snaky head
of The Gorgon, Medusa is on her aegis, but Athenes
gift of the olive tree made her grimness
tolerable. The city, Athens, was named in her honor.
Her love and protection of Odysseus permitted the long
suffering hero to finally return home to his wife and son
again. She would assume the shape of men, women and
children to better serve as guide and protector of the
resourceful Odysseus. |
