Language from Mythology:
Note: Some words we use today that were derived from
characters, places, etc. of Greek/Roman myth. Interesting,
don't you think?
aphrodisiac - arousing
sexual desire - Aphrodite, goddess of love
atlas - a book of
maps - Atlas, Titan who held the sky on
his shoulders
cereal wheat, oats,
corn Ceres, goddess
of agriculture
cloth fabric formed
by weaving Clotho, the Fate that spun the
thread of life
chronology arrangement
of events in time Cronos, god of time
cornucopia horn of
plenty Cornucopia
echo repetition of
a sound Echo, who could only repeat the
last word
erotic concerning
sexual love Eros, god of love
fortune chance
happening or luck Fortuna, goddess of luck
hermaphrodite one
of both sexes Hermaphroditus
hypnosis sleeplike
state Hypnos, god of sleep
jovial good cheer Jove - alternate name of Jupiter
junoesque stately
bearing Juno - stately, majestic goddess
martial relating to
war Mars, god of war
mercurial quick and
changeable Mercury, messenger god
Midas touch ability
to make money Midas
mnemonics system to
improve memory Mnemosyne, goddess of memory
music, musical arrangement
of sounds of harmony
the Muses
narcissism excessive
love of oneself Narcissus
panic sudden terror Pan
plutocracy government
run by the wealthy Pluto, god of wealth
psychology science
of mental behavior Psyche
somnambulism to act
while asleep Somnus, god of sleep
stentorian extremely
loud Stentor, the herald
tantalize keeping
in sight but out of reach Tantalus
terpsichorean relating
to dancing Terpsichore
typhoon tropical
cyclone Typhon
venerate regard
with reverence Venus
venereal transmitted
by sex Venus
vestal chaste, pure Vesta
volcano opening in
earth's crust that ejects lava Vulcan
zephyr gentle west
wind Zephyrus |
