The story of the abduction of
Persephone is best told in the Hymn to Demeter. The story
begins in the middle, i.e., Persephone is kidnapped as
part of a secret agreement between Zeus and Hades.
Although Demeter is one of the six Olympians and brother
to Zeus and Hades, she was not told of the fate of her
beloved daughter until it was (almost) too late.
While at play with the beautiful daughters of Okeanos,
Persephone was picking flowers... but these werent
earthly flowers... these flowers were the work of Zeus
and put there for "a girl with a flowers
beauty". The flowers were there to guide Persephone
to The Trap. A beautiful, divine trap... the trigger for
the trap was an irresistible flower with one hundred
stems of fragrant blossoms. When Persephone reached out
with both hands to pluck the flower the earth opened at
her feet. Hades roared forth in his golden chariot and
seized her before the alarm could be raised. No mortal on
the earth heard Persephones pleas for help before
she vanished into The Underworld. Of the immortals, only
two heard the faint cries of the abducted girl: Hekate
and Helios. Demeter began searching in vain for her
daughter. Her sorrow was so great that she denied herself
all food, drink, and comfort for nine days. When Dawn
arrived on the tenth day, Hekate came to Demeter and told
her that she had heard a voice but had not seen the
abduction of poor Persephone. The two goddesses went to
Helios because he sees all mortal and immortal actions.
Helios, indeed knew the plot and the players. He told
Demeter that the blame was that of Zeus, Zeus and Hades.
He further advised her to accept the situation because
Hades was Lord of Many and "not an unseemly
bridegroom". Demeter did not like his advice and
choose a long, brooding path to regain her precious
daughter. In a strange act of revenge, Demeter, disguised
as a mature woman, became the servant and nanny for the
infant son of Keleos, and his wife Metaneira. The boy,
Demophoon, was raised to be noble and pure but Demeter
was surely stealing the boys affection and
loyalty away from his parents (just as her daughter had
been stolen from her). But before Demeter (still in
disguise) could make Demophoon immortal, Metaneira
recognized Demeter for the goddess she was and stopped
the ceremony. Keleos, and the other nobles were glad to
oblige when Demeter demanded that a temple be built in
her honor. After it was completed, she retreated into the
temple and her brooding took on a deadly turn. The
following year, no seed sprouted. No barley grew in the
plowed fields. The mortals were doomed to famine and
eventual destruction if Demeter did not lift her curse.
Zeus sent Iris to dissuade Demeter from her destructive
course but Demeter was unmoved. In turn, all the
immortals came to Demeters temple and begged the
blond goddess to change her mind and give life back to
the earth. She refused them all.
Zeus now sent Hermes to the underworld to speak with
Hades and Persephone. Hermes explained the situation and
suggested, with gentle words, that Persephone be returned
to her mother. Hades was filled with compassion but he
was also intent on keeping his bride. He offered
Persephone a honey-sweet pomegranate seed as she departed.
By tasting the seed she became eternally bound to Hades
and The Underworld.
Demeter was joyous when she saw her darling Persephone
again but her joy was tempered with the fact that Hades
had tricked the innocent Persephone and she must
eventually return to him.
Now, in an effort to save the earth and appease his
sister, Zeus sent Rhea, mother of the Olympians, and
offered Demeter honors if she would only return to
Olympos and lift the curse that was killing the earth.
Zeus promised that Persephone could spend two thirds of
the year with her mother but the remaining third of the
year would be spent with her husband, Hades.
Demeter was moved by her mothers plea. The earth
began to swiftly recover its vitality and became
fertile again. Demeter and Persephone ascended to Olympos
and it is said that those on earth whom they gladly love
are thrice blessed. Its interesting to note that
the year was divided onto thirds, just as the three
brothers, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon, divided creation into
thirds after the overthrow of Kronos.
When Persephone is with Hades the earth is wracked by the
sorrow of her mother. But, when Persephone returns from
The Underworld to walk the earth again, Demeter pours
forth the blessings of Spring to welcome her beloved
daughter home. |
