Deucalion is the son of
Prometheus and Clymene. When Zeus punished humankind for
their lack of respect by sending the deluge, Deucalion
and his wife Pyrrha were the sole survivors. They were
saved because of their piety. Prometheus advised his son
to build an ark and they survived by staying on the boat.
When they were finally able to get back on land (on Mount
Parnassos), they gave thank offerings to Zeus and
consulted the oracle of Themis how they might replenish
the earth with humans once again. They were told to throw
the bones of their mother behind their shoulder and the
human race would reappear. Since the mother of all is
Earth, they threw stones and reformed the human race. The
stones thrown by Pyrrha became women, those thrown by
Deucalion became men. |
