Though little information
survives about him, Ixion is a fundamental character in
Greek mythology. The most complete account of Ixion's
tale comes from Pindar in his Pythian Odes. Ixion was the
son the Phlegyas, descendent of Ares, and king of the
Lapiths in Thessaly. He is significant in many respects,
but is chiefly known as the first human to shed kindred
blood. This occurred when Ixion invited his father-in-law,
Deioneus, to come and collect the price that Ixion owed
him for his bride. Upon his arrival, Deioneus fell into a
pit filled with burning coals Ixion had camouflaged.
Because this was a crime new to the human race, nobody
could purify Ixion and he wandered an exile. Zeus took
pity on him and decided not only to purify Ixion, but to
invite him to Olympus as a guest. Once in Olympus though,
Ixion became so enamored of Hera, and he desired to sleep
with her. Zeus did not believe that Ixion would be so
disrespectful as to have designs upon the wife of his
host. To see if the rumors were true, Zeus made an image
of Hera out of a cloud, and impregnated it. The cloud
bore Ixion the monster Centaurus, who was unloved by the
Graces and had no honor among men or the gods. Centaurus
then mated with the mares of Mt. Pelion in Magnesia, and
so from Ixion the race of centaurs was born.
To punish him, Zeus bound Ixion to a winged (sometimes
flaming) wheel, which revolved in the air in all
directions. Also, by order of the gods, Ixion was forced
to call out continuously call out: "You should show
gratitude to your benefactor." Ixion became one of
the more famous sinners on display on Tartarus, and most
writers mention him when describing the place. For
example, Ovid wrote of him, and Vergil, with his
moralistic interpretation of how sin should be punished,
awards Ixion a special mention in the Aenead.
The focus of Ixion's mythology on the guest/host
relationship shows the venerable age of Ixion's story. Of
all the attributes Zeus became associated with, he was
originally particularly worried that the custom of Xenia,
the formal institution of friendship that ensured
traveling archaic Greeks could count on each other for
safety in antiquity, be enforced (for more on this in all
the Greek world see Powell 150; the importance of the
guest/host relationship is fundamental to all world
mythology, take the Biblical story of Sodom and Gommorah,
for example).
Aeschylus remembered Ixion's role as the purified
progenitor of blood guilt in the Euminides. Athena,
before she will hear Orestes' case refers to him as Ixion,
an allusion Orestes balks at and tries to convince her is
false (Euminides. 450-455).
Pirithous, king of the Lapiths, good friend of Theseus,
and important in later myth, is considered to be one of
Ixion's children. There is another claimant to Pirithous'
paternity though. Zeus, in the Iliad 14. 317-318, claims
to have seduced Dia, Ixion's wife, and fathered Pirithous. |
