After dethroning Cronus, Zeus
ended up gaining mastery of the sky as "top god",
which suited his lustful nature very well since it
allowed him free access to any beauty he could see from
that vantage point.
His first wife was Metis (Wisdom), whom Zeus swallowed
just before she gave birth to Athena because he had been
told Metis' second child would dethrone him. In order to
allow Athena to live he had Hephaestus take an axe and
cleave his forehead open, and from his head Athena sprang,
fully armed.
His second wife, Themis (Divine Justice), gave birth to
the Seasons, to Wise Laws, to Human Justice, to Peace,
and to the Fates.
His third wife, Eurynome, an ocean nymph, bore the three
He then took a shot at his sister Demeter, who resisted
his advances, so he violated her in the form of a bull,
and from their union came Persephone.
His next wife was the Titaness Mnemosyne (Memory), who
produced the Nine Muses.
On the side he consorted with Leto, who gave birth to
Artemis and Apollo.
His last wife was Hera, who also initially resisted his
advances. So he changed himself into a bedraggled cuckoo
bird, and when Hera took pity on this bird and clutched
it to her bosom, Zeus assumed his true form and ravished
her. Hera then decided to marry him to cover her shame,
and that was the start of a truly quarrelsome and unhappy
marriage! Their union brought forth Hebe (cupbearer to
the gods), Ares (god of war), Ilithyia (goddess of
childbearing), and Hephaestus (craftsman of the gods).
Also, through many affairs, Zeus fathered:
1. Hermes, by Maia (one of the Pleiades)
2. Aphrodite, by Dione (a Titaness)
3. Dionysus, by Semele (a Theban princess)
4. Perseus
5. Castor, by Leda
6. Polydeuces, by Leda
7 .Helen of Troy, by Leda
8. Clytemnestra, by Leda
9. Heracles
10.Epaphus, by Io (founder of Memphis)
11.Arcas (king of Arcadia)
12.Lacedaemon (founder of Sparta)
13.Minos, by Europa
14.Rhadamanthus, by Europa
15.Aeacus, by Aegina
NOTE: According to Anne S. Baumgartner in her book "A
Comprehensive Dictionary of the Gods", Zeus was
husband to Metis, Themis, Eurynome, Mnemosyne, Demeter,
Leto, Maia and Hera; had over 115 mistresses (some mortal);
had 140 children. And all this from the guardian of law
and upholder of morality! |
