Midas was the king of Pessinus,
capital of Phrygia, a region in Asia Minor. He was the
adopted son of Gordias and Cybele and was well known for
his pristine rose garden and love of the pleasures of
The most famous myth about King Midas is when he received
the golden touch from Dionysus, god of the life force.
Dionysus was associated with intoxication and was
followed by a group of satyrs -- half human, half goat
individuals with a lust for wine and sexual pleasures.
The leader of the satyrs, entrusted with Dionysus
education, was Silenus. One day, completely in character
for a satyr, Silenus became intoxicated and passed out in
Midas rose garden. The peasants found him and
brought him before their king. Luckily, Midas recognized
Silenus and treated him well for five days and nights.
During this time, Silenus entertained Midas and his court
with fantastic tales.
Dionysus came to Midas and was glad to be reunited with
Silenus his surrogate father. He decided to reward Midas
for his hospitality and granted him one wish. Midas
wished that everything he touched be turned to gold.
Dionysus warned him about the dangers of such a wish, but
Midas was too distracted with the prospect of being
surrounded by gold to listen. Dionysus gave him the gift.
Initially, King Midas was thrilled with his new gift and
turned everything he could to gold, including his beloved
roses. His attitude changed, however, when he was unable
to eat or drink since his food and wine were also changed
to unappetizing gold. He even accidentally killed his
daughter when he touched her, and this truly made him
realize the depth of his mistake. Desperate, Midas
pleaded to Dionysus for help. Dionysus instructed Midas
to bathe in the headwaters of the Pactolus River, and the
wish would be washed away. Midas went to the river, and
as soon as he touched the water, the river carried away
the golden touch. The gold settled in the sands of the
Pactolus River and was carried downstream to Lydia, one
of the richest kingdoms in the ancient world and the
source of the earliest coinage.
This myth is ethiological since it explains why the
Pactolus River is rich with gold and how Lydia came to be
one of the richest kingdoms. It is also carries a common
motif in Greek folklore the short-sighted
wish. Midas let his greed blind him to the future.
Most notably, this myth has aspects characteristic of
myths of Dionysus. Child sacrifice is a frequent theme in
Dionysian myths. Frequently, Dionysus would punish
mortals indirectly by having them kill their own children.
King Midas kills his daughter by turning her to gold. He
pays for his greed.
After the death of his daughter, Midas hated wealth and
splendor and became a worshiper of Pan, god of woodlands.
In another myth, Pan challenged Apollo, god of the music,
to a test of skill at music. Tmolus, god of the mountain,
was the judge at the contest and ruled that Apollo was
the victor. Midas, being a follower of Pan, questioned
the ruling and this offended Apollo. As a punishment for
Midas lack of musical taste, Apollo
changed Midas ears into donkey ears. Ashamed of his
disfigurement, he hid his ears under a large hat with
only his barber knowing about the deformity. It was so
hard for the barber to keep the secret that he dug a hole,
whispered the secret into the hole, then covered it with
earth. From this spot grew reeds that whispered, Midas
has donkey ears! every time the wind blew. Another
version has the queen letting out the secret. In the end,
Midas ran away from Phrygia never to be heard from again. |
