Numitor, King of Alba, had been
ousted by his brutal brother, Amulius. Amulius made sure
Numitor would have no heirs by forcing Numitor's only
child, his daughter, Rhea Silvia, to spend her days as a
vestal virgin, serving in the temple of Venus, goddess of
the hearth. Nevertheless, Rhea subsequently gave birth to
twin boys, Romulus and Remus. Their father was not a man,
but Mars, god of war. When Amulius found out what had
happened, he slew Rhea Silvia and had the two boys thrown
into the Tiber River.
The river bore the twins safely ashore, where they were
found by a she-wolf who suckled them with her milk. The
wolf looked after them until they were found by Faustulus,
one of the old king's shepherds, who adopted them as his
When the boys were grown, Faustulus told them who their
father was and described their mother's fate. Romulus and
Remus avenged he by killing Amulius, and they restored
Numitor to the throne.
They then decided to build a city on the Tiber River.
Realizing that only one of them could be its ruler, they
sought guidance from the gods. Each climbed a high
mountain to see what he could see. Remus saw a flight of
six vultures, but Romulus saw twelve. Therefore Romulus,
judging that the gods had favored him, began to lay the
foundations of the city of Rome. He plowed a furrow to
mark where the walls would be. But Remus mocked him,
leaping over the thin furrow and saying that Rome's
enemies would be able to get over its walls just as
easily. Romulus was so furious he struck his brother dead.
The city was built. It had a ruler, but no citizens. So
Romulus declared Rome's sacred grove to be a sanctuary,
and it soon filled with outlaws and fugitives, whom
Romulus welcomed as his subjects.
But there were still no women. So Romulus organized some
games and invited his neighbours, the Sabines. While the
Sabine men were enjoying themselves, he and his men
carried off many of the Sabine women to Rome. Bloody war
followed, but eventually the women themselves stopped the
fighting, begging their new husbands and their fathers
not to slaughter themselves needlessly.
Romulus, the founder of Rome, was not to be its earthly
ruler for very long. For his father, Mars, begged
almighty Jupiter to make Romulus a god. When Jupiter
agreed, Mars descended in his chariot and swept Romulus
away. The body of the living man melted into thin air.
From heaven, Romulus oversaw the rise, and fall, of the
great nation he had founded. |
